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shot in Bengali বাংলা

shot in English

  • shot
    adj. 1a. woven or dyed so as to show a play of colors.
    Ex. blue silk shot with gold.
    b. variable, as a color; changeable.
    2. that has grown or sprouted, as a stalk or blade.
    3. (Slang, Figurative.) that has been used up, worn o

  • shot
    expr. call the shots (or one's shot), (Informal.)
    a. to control the proceedings or outcome; direct; manage.
    Ex. He let the Republicans call the shots, but when the hearings opened ... he put the responsibility on their shoulders (Atlantic).

  • shot
    expr. like a shot, at once; with great rapidity.
    Ex. If anybody can suggest to me anything else that I can do--I'll do it like a shot (Arnold Bennett).

  • shot
    expr. not by a long shot. See under long shot.

  • shot
    expr. put the shot, to send a heavy metal ball as far as one can with one push.
    Ex. to put the shot in an athletic contest.

  • shot
    expr. shot in the arm, (Informal.) something that stimulates or revives; incentive; spur.
    Ex. As a shot in the arm for industry, there could be generous investment allowances (Sunday Times).

  • shot
    expr. shot in the dark, (Informal.) a guess based upon little or no evidence; wild guess.
    Ex. [He] really had no facts of any substance. ... His innuendos about ""covering up"" were mere shots in the dark (Blair Fraser).

  • shot
    expr. shot through with, full of.
    Ex. a composition shot through with errors, speeches shot through with wit. It was an immense ... rabbit warren shot through with a network of narrow paths (New Yorker).

  • shot
    expr. stand shot, to meet the expense; pay the bill.
    Ex. Are you going to stand shot to all this good liquor? (Scott).

  • shot
    noun 1a. the discharge as of a gun, cannon, or bow.
    Ex. to fire a shot. He heard two shots.
    b. the act of shooting.
    Ex. ... taken without shot or slaughter (Charles Kingsley).
    2. what is discharged in shooting:
    a. tiny ba

  • shot
    shot (1), noun, pl.shotsor (for 2)shotorshots,verb, shotted,shotting.

  • shot
    shot (2), verb, adjective.
    verb the past tense and past participle of shoot.
    Ex. Many years ago he shot a rival and was himself shot in revenge.

  • shot
    split stroke orshot
    (Croquet.) a stroke or shot made in such a way that two balls placed in contact are driven in different directions.

  • shot
    v.t. 1. to load with shot; furnish with shot.
    Ex. Her [a ship's] shotted guns were discharging (Scott).
    2. to weigh by attaching a shot or shots.
    3. to attempt; try.

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