incline in Kashmiri कॉशुर
incline in English
- incline⇄canal lift orincline
an elevator or incline formerly used instead of a lock for transferring canal boats from one level to another. - incline⇄incline, verb, -clined,-clining,noun.
- incline⇄noun incliner.
- incline⇄noun 1. a slope; slant.
Ex. There is a slight incline to the counter.
2. a sloping surface. The side of a hill is an incline. - incline⇄v.i. 1. to be favorable; be willing; tend.
Ex. Dogs incline to eat meat as a food. I incline toward your idea.
2. to slope; slant.
3. to lean, bend, or bow. - incline⇄v.t. 1. to make favorable; make willing; influence.
Ex. Incline your hearts to obey God's laws.
2. to lean, bend, or bow.
Ex. He inclined his head in prayer.
3. to cause to slope or slant; tilt.