need in Hindi हिन्दी
need in Kashmiri कॉशुर
need in Malayalam മലയാളം
need in Sindhi سنڌي
need in Urdu اُردُو
need in English
- need⇄expr. have need to, must, should, have to, or ought to.
Ex. I have no need to go to town. The best of saints have need to be warned against the worst of sins (Octavius Winslow). - need⇄expr. if need be, if it has to be; if necessary.
Ex. They will fight to the bitter end, if need be. - need⇄need, verb, noun.
- need⇄noun needer.
- need⇄noun 1. the lack of a useful or desired thing; want; lack.
Ex. For need of a nail, the shoe was lost. His writing showed need of grammar.
2. a thing wanted or lacking; that for which a want is felt.
Ex. In the jungle their need was fre - need⇄v.i. 1. to be in want.
Ex. Give to those that need.
2. to be necessary.
Ex. The rope cuts his hands more than needs.
3. to have to; ought to; must; should.
Ex. He need not go. Need she go? - need⇄v.t. to be in want of; ought to have; be unable to do without; want; require.
Ex. He needs money. I need a new hat. Plants need water.