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gross in Dogri डोगरी

gross in Gujarati ગુજરાતી

gross in Kashmiri कॉशुर

gross in Maithili মৈথিলী

gross in Tamil தமிழ்

gross in Urdu اُردُو

gross in English

  • gross
    adj. 1. with nothing taken out; total; entire; whole. Gross receipts are all the money taken in before costs are deducted.
    (SYN) aggregate.
    2. very bad; easy to see; glaring; flagrant.
    Ex. gross misconduct, gross superstition. She mak

  • gross
    adv. grossly.

  • gross
    expr. in the gross,
    a. in a general way; in the main; on the whole.
    Ex. You cannot refuse in the gross what you have so often acknowledged in detail (Edmund Burke).
    b. in bulk; on a large scale; wholesale.
    Ex. Department stores

  • gross
    gross, adjective, noun, pl.grosses(for 1,)gross(for 2,) verb.

  • gross
    noun grossness.

  • gross
    noun 1a. the whole sum; total amount.
    Ex. The gross amount of his bill included the tax too.
    b. (Obsolete.) the greater part; majority; bulk.
    2a. a unit consisting of twelve dozen; 144. (Abbr:) gr. or gro.
    b. great gross.

  • gross
    v.t. 1. to make a gross profit of; earn a total of.
    Ex. to gross $20,000 per year.
    2. (U.S. Slang.) Usually, gross out. to shock or disgust.
    Ex. They [horror movies] offer dangling limbs, effusing guts, and gruesome decapitations--and

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