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mercury in Dogri डोगरी

mercury in Kannada ಕನ್ನಡ

mercury in Konkani कोंकणी

mercury in Nepali नेपाली

mercury in Urdu اُردُو

mercury in English

  • mercury
    mercury, noun, pl.-ries.
    1. a heavy, silver-white, metallic chemical element that is liquid at ordinary temperatures; quicksilver. It occurs naturally in the mineral cinnabar and combines with most other metals to form amalgams.
    2. the column

  • Mercury
    Mercury, noun.
    1. (Roman Mythology.) the god who served as the messenger for the other gods. He was the god of commerce, of skill of hands, quickness of wit, eloquence, and thievery. The Greeks called him Hermes.
    2. the smallest planet in the

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