cheat in Gujarati ગુજરાતી
cheat in Hindi हिन्दी
cheat in Kashmiri कॉशुर
cheat in Tamil தமிழ்
cheat in Telugu తెలుగు
cheat in Urdu اُردُو
cheat in English
- cheat⇄adj. cheatable.
- cheat⇄cheat, verb, noun.
- cheat⇄noun cheater.
- cheat⇄noun 1. a person who is not honest and who does things to deceive or trick others; swindler.
Ex. The sly storekeeper was a cheat who added weight to all the vegetables and meat he sold. Corinth ... was a city of extortioners and cheats (Frederic Fa - cheat⇄v.i. to play or do business in a way that is not honest; practice deceit; act fraudulently.
Ex. He always cheats at cards if he can get away with it. - cheat⇄v.t. 1. to deceive or trick; swindle; defraud (of or out of).
Ex. The peddler cheated the woman out of ten cents.
(SYN) hoodwink.
2. to beguile (boredom, etc.); pass (the time).
Ex. the timeless rhyme, with which the warder chea