owl in Sanskrit संस्कृतम्
- उलूक
Grammar:Noun M
Etymology:वल् 1A.P वल् +ऊक+संप्रसारण
References:नोलुकोप्यवलोकते यदि दिवा सूर्यस्य किं दुषणम्। भर्तृ.2.93Grammar:Noun M
Etymology:वल् 1A.P वल् +ऊक+संप्रसारण
References:नोलुकोप्यवलोकते यदि दिवा सूर्यस्य किं दुषणम्। भर्तृ.2.93 onclick='Pronounce(this.id);'>⇄
owl in Sindhi سنڌي
owl in English
- owl⇄adj. owllike.
- owl⇄owl, noun.
1. a bird with a big head, big eyes, and a short hooked beak. Owls have very soft feathers that enable them to fly noiselessly. Some kinds have tufts of feathers on their heads called ""horns"" or ""ears."" Most owls hunt at night and liv