third in Telugu తెలుగు
third in English
- third⇄adj. 1. next after the second; last in a series of three.
Ex. C is the third letter of the alphabet.
2. being one of three equal parts.
3. (U.S.) of, having to do with, or designating the gear used for ordinary driving in an automobil - third⇄expr. thirds,
a. one third of the property of a deceased husband, to which the widow is entitled if there is a child or children.
b. a widow's dower. - third⇄noun 1. the next after the second; last in a series of three.
2. one of three equal parts into which a unit or total may be divided.
Ex. Mother divided the cake into thirds.
3. the third of the subdivisions of any standard measure or - third⇄third, adjective, noun, verb.
- third⇄v.t. 1. to divide (anything) into three equal parts; reduce to one third the number or bulk.
2. to speak in favor of (a motion, proposition, or the like) as third speaker; support the seconder.
Ex. A motion of the lord Wharton, seconded and