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Cry in Kashmiri कॉशुर

Cry in Tamil தமிழ்

Cry in Urdu اُردُو

Cry in English

  • cry
    cry, verb, cried,crying,noun, pl.cries.

  • cry
    expr. a far cry. See under far cry.

  • cry
    expr. cry down, to make little of; speak of as unimportant or of little value; disparage; deprecate.
    Ex. The critic cried down the book.

  • cry
    expr. cry for, to ask earnestly for; beg for.
    Ex. The child cried for the ice cream. The beggar cried for alms.
    a. (Figurative.) to need very much.
    Ex. The rundown old house cried for a coat of paint. The city government cries for refo

  • cry
    expr. cry havoc. See under havoc.

  • cry
    expr. cry off, to break an agreement; refuse to do something.
    Ex. Would she be the first to cry off from such a bargain? (Anthony Trollope).

  • cry
    expr. cry one's eyes out. See under eye.

  • cry
    expr. cry one's heart out. See under heart.

  • cry
    expr. cry out,
    a. to call loudly; shout.
    Ex. He cried out a goodnight.
    b. to scream; yell.
    Ex. They will not cry out before they're hurt (Byron).
    c. (Figurative.) to protest.
    Ex. Every living movement of human thoug

  • cry
    expr. cry over spilt milk. See under milk.

  • cry
    expr. cry up, to praise; speak of as important or valuable.
    Ex. While kingmakers and idealists seek to cry up the incipient statesmanship and the high moral tone of their favorite senators, the professional politicians consult the statistics in the

  • cry
    expr. cry wolf. See under wolf.

  • cry
    expr. in full cry, in close pursuit.
    Ex. The pack of hounds was in full cry after the fox.

  • cry
    expr. within cry of, within calling distance of.
    Ex. Villages and houses ... each one was within cry of another (William Lithgow).

  • cry
    noun 1. a loud call; shout.
    Ex. the drowning man's cry for help.
    2. a fit of shedding tears.
    Ex. She had a long cry when her favorite doll broke.
    3. a noise of grief or pain or other strong feeling.
    Ex. a cry of rage.

  • cry
    v.i. 1. to shed tears; weep.
    Ex. The girl cried when her favorite doll broke.
    2. to make a noise from grief or pain or other strong feeling.
    Ex. She cried with small whimpering sounds.
    3. to make an animal's usual noise or call.

  • cry
    v.t. 1. to call out; call loudly; shout.
    Ex. The drowning man cried ""Help!"" He cried her name in vain.
    2. to sell by calling on the streets.
    Ex. Peddlers cry their wares in the street.
    3. to beg for; entreat in a loud voice.

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