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follow in Santali

follow in Tamil தமிழ்

follow in English

  • follow
    expr. as follows, the following.
    Ex. The list of people to be invited is as follows: John, Mary, Bill, Hattie, Clem, and Virginia.

  • follow
    expr. follow on, (Cricket.) to go in again at once after completing the first innings in consequence of having made a prescribed number of runs less than the opponents in the first innings.
    Ex. Being left in a minority of 93 they had to follow on (

  • follow
    expr. follow one's nose. See under nose.

  • follow
    expr. follow out, to carry out to the end.
    Ex. The general followed out his plan of attack in spite of opposition from members of his staff.

  • follow
    expr. follow suit. See under suit.

  • follow
    expr. follow through, to continue a stroke, motion, plan, policy, or reasoning through to the end.
    Ex. In following through, the club or racket acts upon the ball for the longest possible time and therefore the ball travels faster (E. A. Fessenden)

  • follow
    expr. follow up,
    a. to follow closely and steadily.
    Ex. The Forest bylaws ... make no provision for wounded deer being followed up (London Times).
    b. (Figurative.) to carry out to the end.
    Ex. The author planned the book careful

  • follow
    follow, verb, noun.

  • follow
    noun 1. an act of following.
    2. (Billiards.) a stroke that causes the player's ball to roll on after the ball struck by it.

  • follow
    v.i. 1. to go or come after something or someone else.
    Ex. He leads; we follow.
    2. to occur as a consequence; result.
    Ex. If you eat too much candy, a stomach ache will follow.
    3. to attend.
    Ex. Behind the principals, the

  • follow
    v.t. 1. to go or come after.
    Ex. Night follows day. Sheep follow a leader. A farmer used to follow a plow.
    2. (Figurative.) to come after as a consequence or effect; result from.
    Ex. Misery follows war.
    3. to go along.

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