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sanguine in English

  • sanguine
    adj. 1. naturally cheerful and hopeful.
    Ex. a sanguine disposition. The invincible hopefulness of his sanguine temperament had now got Mr. Britling well out of the pessimistic pit again (H. G. Wells).
    (SYN) optimistic.
    2. confident; h

  • sanguine
    adv. sanguinely.

  • sanguine
    noun sanguineness.

  • sanguine
    noun 1. (Heraldry.) the blood-red color in coats of arms, in engravings represented by intersecting diagonal lines; murrey.
    2a. a crayon colored red with iron oxide.
    b. a drawing executed with red chalks.

  • sanguine
    sanguine, adjective, noun.

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