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customary in Dogri डोगरी

customary in Kashmiri कॉशुर

customary in Santali

customary in Tamil தமிழ்

customary in English

  • customary
    adj. 1. according to custom; as a habit; usual.
    Ex. a customary celebration, his customary friendliness. It is customary to exchange gifts at Christmas.
    (SYN) habitual.
    2. holding or held by custom; having to do with or established by

  • customary
    adv. customarily.

  • customary
    customary, adjective, noun, pl.-aries.

  • customary
    noun (Law.)1. Also, customaries. a collection of legal customs, or customary laws, as of a manor, city, or province.
    2. a book or document containing them.

  • customary
    noun customariness.

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