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ridge in Bengali বাংলা

ridge in Dogri डोगरी

ridge in Kashmiri कॉशुर

ridge in Maithili মৈথিলী

ridge in Nepali नेपाली

ridge in Sindhi سنڌي

ridge in English

  • ridge
    noun 1. the long and narrow upper part of something.
    Ex. the ridge of an animal's back, the ridge of a hill.
    2. a line where two sloping surfaces meet.
    Ex. the ridge of a roof.
    3. a long, narrow chain of hills or mountains.

  • ridge
    ridge, noun, verb. ridged,ridging.

  • ridge
    v.i. to form ridges.

  • ridge
    v.t. 1. to form or make into ridges.
    2. to mark with ridges; cover with ridges.

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