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wallop in Urdu اُردُو

wallop in English

  • wallop
    expr. go (down) wallop, (Informal and Dialect.) to fall noisily.
    Ex. The horse tripped and the rider went down wallop.

  • wallop
    expr. pack a wallop, (Informal.) to carry great force or power; have a strong impact.
    Ex. Here's painstaking scholarship that packs a wallop (Saturday Review).

  • wallop
    noun (Obsolete.) the noisy bubbling of rapidly boiling water.

  • wallop
    noun 1. (Informal.) a very hard blow.
    Ex. The wallop knocked him down.
    2. (Informal.) the power to hit very hard blows.
    3. (Informal and Dialect.) a heavy, clumsy, noisy movement of the body; floundering; lurching.
    4. (Figurati

  • wallop
    v.i. to boil violently and with a noisy bubbling.

  • wallop
    v.i. 1. (Informal and Dialect.) to move clumsily or noisily; flounder; plunge.
    2. (Especially Scottish.) to dangle, flap, or wobble.
    3. (Obsolete.) to gallop.

  • wallop
    v.t. (Informal.)1. to beat soundly; thrash.
    (SYN) flog.
    2. to hit very hard; strike with a vigorous blow.
    3. to defeat thoroughly, as in a game.

  • wallop
    wallop (1), verb, noun.

  • wallop
    wallop (2), verb, noun.

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