paddle in Gujarati ગુજરાતી
paddle in Kannada ಕನ್ನಡ
paddle in Tamil தமிழ்
paddle in English
- paddle⇄adj. paddlelike.
- paddle⇄noun paddler.
- paddle⇄noun 1. a short oar with a broad blade at one end or both ends, used without an oarlock. Paddles are used especially to propel canoes and kayaks.
2. the act of paddling; turn at the paddle.
Ex. Each man had a paddle for an hour and then a re - paddle⇄paddle (1), noun, verb, -dled,-dling.
- paddle⇄paddle (2), intransitive verb, -dled,-dling.
1. to move the hands or feet about in water; dabble or play in shallow water.
Ex. the children paddling in the mud puddle. Children love to paddle at the beach.
2. to toy with the fingers. - paddle⇄v.i. 1. to use a paddle to move a canoe or boat through water.
Ex. Being fatigued with rowing, or paddling, as it is called (Daniel Defoe).
2. to row gently, so as barely to move through the water or simply to hold a boat steady against the - paddle⇄v.t. 1. to move (a canoe or boat) with a paddle or paddles.
Ex. The explorers paddled their canoe cautiously upstream.
2. to transport or convey, as in a canoe, by paddling.
Ex. She would herself paddle me off to the ship (Herman Melvi