spell in Kashmiri कॉशुर
spell in Sindhi سنڌي
spell in English
- spell⇄expr. cast a spell on (or over),
a. to put under the influence of a spell; hex.
Ex. The witch cast an evil spell on Sleeping Beauty.
b. (Figurative.) to influence or have an effect on someone as if he were put under a spell; fascinate - spell⇄expr. spell down, (U.S.) to outdo in spelling; surpass in a spelling bee.
Ex. ""I could beat the world spelling! I could spell everybody in this reunion down right now,"" she offered. ""Give me a word"" (Eudora Welty). - spell⇄expr. spell out, to explain carefully, step by step, and in detail.
Ex. The Defense Department proposed a new set of rules that would spell out in greater detail the costs a manufacturer may pass along to the Government (Wall Street Journal). - spell⇄expr. under a spell,
a. controlled by a spell.
b. (Figurative.) fascinated; spellbound.
Ex. The explorer's story held the children under a spell. - spell⇄noun 1. a period of work or duty.
Ex. The sailor's spell at the wheel was four hours.
2. a period or time of anything; turn; bout.
Ex. a spell of crying. The child has spells of coughing. There was a long spell of rainy weather in Apri - spell⇄noun 1. a word or set of words supposed to have magical powers; charm; incantation.
Ex. I'm a dealer in magic and spells (William S. Gilbert).
2. (Figurative.) a magic influence; power of charming or attracting; fascination.
Ex. A spel - spell⇄spell (1), verb, spelledorspelt,spelling.
- spell⇄spell (2), noun, verb, spelled,spelling.
- spell⇄spell (3), noun, verb, spelled,spelling.
- spell⇄v.i. (Australian.) to take a time of rest.
- spell⇄v.i. to write or say the letters of a word or syllable in order.
Ex. We learn to spell in school. She cannot spell well. A foolish opinion ... that we ought to spell exactly as we speak (Jonathan Swift). - spell⇄v.t. to charm; bewitch.
- spell⇄v.t. 1. (Informal.) to work in place of (another person) for a while; relieve.
Ex. I'll spell you at cutting the grass.
2. to give a time of rest to; rest.
Ex. to spell a horse. - spell⇄v.t. 1. to say, write, or signal the letters of (a word or syllable) in order.
Ex. ""Cat"" is easy to spell; ""phthisis"" is difficult.
2. (of letters) to make up or form (a word or syllable).
Ex. ""K"" ""e"" double ""n"" ""e"" ""d"" "