no in Kannada ಕನ್ನಡ
no in Malayalam മലയാളം
no in Sindhi سنڌي
no in English
- no⇄adj. 1. not any.
Ex. He has no friends. Dogs have no wings.
2. not a.
Ex. He is certainly no athlete. Turnbull ... caught hold of her with no very gentle grasp (Scott). - no⇄adv. 1. a word used to say that you can't or won't, or that something is wrong. ""No"" means the same as shaking your head from side to side.
Ex. Will you come? No. Can a cow fly? No.
2. not in any degree; not at all.
Ex. He is no bett - no⇄no (1), adverb, adjective, noun, pl.noes.
- no⇄no (2)orNo, noun, pl.noornos,NoorNos.
a type of Japanese classical drama with formalized dancing and chanting by actors wearing symbolic masks. - No⇄No(no period),
nobelium (artificial chemical element). - no⇄noun 1. a word used to deny, refuse, or disagree.
2. a denial; refusal.
3. a vote against; person voting against.
Ex. The noes have it.