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turn in Nepali नेपाली

turn in Punjabi ਪੰਜਾਬੀ

turn in Urdu اُردُو

turn in English

  • turn
    expr. at every turn, on every occasion; without exception; constantly.
    Ex. Traveling through England we kept meeting Americans at every turn.

  • turn
    expr. by turns, one after another in regular succession; successively; in rotation.
    Ex. The lost campers slept by turns, to keep a fire going.

  • turn
    expr. in turn, in proper order; in due course or succession.
    Ex. Each should go in turn. He that shuts Love out, in turn shall be shut out from Love (Tennyson).

  • turn
    expr. out of turn,
    a. not in proper order.
    Ex. You played out of turn.
    b. not appropriately; at the wrong time.
    Ex. to speak out of turn.

  • turn
    expr. take turns, to act one after another in proper order; alternate.
    Ex. They took turns watching the baby.

  • turn
    expr. to a turn, exactly to just the right degree.
    Ex. meat done to a turn.

  • turn
    expr. turn (or turn and turn) about, one after another in proper order.
    Ex. We took it turn and turn about to sit up and rock the baby (Elizabeth Gaskell).

  • turn
    expr. turn around,
    a. to change or reverse completely.
    Ex. Many of the ... radicalized students appear determined not to destroy the system but to turn it around (New York Times).
    b. (U.S.) to change for the better; bring from a bad t

  • turn
    expr. turn away,
    a. to refuse entrance or admission.
    Ex. The stadium was so full that thousands of fans had to be turned away.
    b. (Figurative.) to refuse or dismiss; reject.
    Ex. Those who came to him to borrow money were never t

  • turn
    expr. turn down,
    a. to fold down.
    Ex. to turn down the covers on the bed.
    b. to bend downward.
    Ex. He turned down the brim of his hat.
    c. to place with face downward.
    Ex. The played cards were solemnly turned down (

  • turn
    expr. turn in,
    a. to turn and go in.
    Ex. I turned in at your house to see you.
    b. to point (toes) inward.
    Ex. His feet turn in; he's pigeon-toed.
    c. (Informal.) to go to bed.
    Ex. It's late and I'm going to turn in n

  • turn
    expr. turn loose, to free from restraint and allow to go where, or do as, one will.
    Ex. to turn a prisoner loose.

  • turn
    expr. turn off,
    a. to stop the flow of; shut off.
    Ex. Is the tap turned off or do I hear the water dripping? She did not turn the gas off at the meter (Leslie Keith).
    b. to put out (a light).
    Ex. Turn off the lamp as you leave.

  • turn
    expr. turn on,
    a. to start the flow of; put on.
    Ex. He turned on the gas in his back room to an unusual brightness (Harriet Martineau).
    b. to put on (a light).
    Ex. Turn on the flashlight.
    c. to attack; resist; oppose. <

  • turn
    expr. turn out,
    a. to put out; shut off.
    Ex. Turn out that big spotlight.
    b. to let go out.
    Ex. to turn the cows out.
    c. to drive out; expel.
    Ex. The noisy boys were turned out.
    d. to come out; go out.

  • turn
    expr. turn over,
    a. to give; hand over; transfer.
    Ex. to turn over a job to someone.
    b. (Figurative.) to think carefully about; consider in different ways.
    Ex. to turn over an idea in one's mind.
    c. to buy and later sell;

  • turn
    expr. turn to,
    a. to refer to.
    Ex. He took up a local paper and turned to the list of visitors (K. S. Macquoid).
    b. to go to for help.
    Ex. You are the one man ... that I should turn to in such a time (Clark Russell).
    c. t

  • turn
    expr. turn up,
    a. to make (a lamp) burn more brightly.
    Ex. Turn up the gas a little, I want to go on reading (Rudyard Kipling).
    b. to make (a radio, television set, record player, or other audio equipment) louder; increase the volume

  • turn
    noun 1. a motion like that of a wheel.
    Ex. At each turn the screw goes in further.
    (SYN) revolution, rotation.
    2a. a change of direction; act of turning aside from one's course; deflection.
    Ex. a turn of the eye. A turn to the l

  • turn
    turn, verb, noun.

  • turn
    v.i. 1. to move around as a wheel does; rotate; revolve.
    Ex. The merry-go-round turned.
    2. to move part way around in this way.
    Ex. A door turns on hinges. The key turned in the lock. Turn on your back.
    3a. to take a new directi

  • turn
    v.t. 1. to cause to move around as a wheel does; rotate.
    Ex. I turned the crank three times.
    2. to do by turning; open, close, make lower, higher, tighter, or looser by moving around.
    Ex. She turned the key in the lock.
    3. to pe

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